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Zambia stamp with the
sculpture 'Mother Africa' by Vilma Nöel.

seek the essence of form. I always aim to convey a sense
of strength, monumentality, and simplicity in my work"
Vilma Nöel

Vilma Nöel was born
in Diamantina-MG, Brazil but spent her childhood in
Dionísio and São Domingos do Prata where she attended high school.
As a graduated teacher, she helped founding the Children's Art
School "O Pequeno Príncipe" in Goiânia-GO.
She attended the Guignard School in Belo Horizonte and graduated at
the National School of Fine Arts in Rio de Janeiro. She also took
several courses of art in Münster, Germany; Beaux-Arts, Paris -
France and at the Art Students League in New York - USA.
Vilma has an extensive resumè of sculpture, painting, engraving,
jewelry design and has attended various conferences and workshops of
sculpture, watercolors and oil painting.
Solo exhibitions:
In Brazil: Brasilia-DF; Sao Paulo-SP; Resende, Rio de Janeiro-RJ;
Belo Horizonte, Timóteo, Acesita, Ipatinga and Muriaé-MG.
Abroad: Berlin, Münster and Unna in Germany. Paris, Cannes and Nice
in France. Ndola in Zambia. Johannesburg in South Africa. Hasselt
and Brussels in Belgium. Rotterdam in the Netherlands. Florence in
Italy. New York, Chicago and Los Angeles in the United States.
Despite having made many exhibitions of oil paintings, watercolors
and prints, Vilma Noël became internationally recognized for her
sculptures of bronze, stainless steel and granite.She executed works
of great importance for public places, parks and squares. The
sculpture "Mother Africa" made for Zambia, for example, became a
national symbol and originated one of the country’s seal.
In Brazil, her
public works can be found in several states.
Among them are:
India Araris” in Conservatória - RJ. “Sereia da Ilha da Jipóia” in
Angra dos Reis-RJ. “O Destino” at Morro Redondo in Itabira-MG. “São
Sebastião” in Dionísio-MG. “Sinergia” in Timóteo-MG. “Terra Mãe”,
“Crianças do Mundo” and “Os Cinco Elementos da Natureza” in Coronel
Fabriciano-MG. “Deusa Thémis” (symbol of Justice), “Millenium”,
“Pirâmide do Progresso” and busts in Ipatinga-MG. “Santo Afonso”
(Coração Eucarístico district), Nossa Senhora Rainha (Belvedere’s
church) and “Juscelino Kubitschek” (Av. Bandeirantes, Ecological
square JK) in Belo Horizonte-MG.
Nowadays she is working on sculptures of the Brazilian writer
Machado de Assis in Rio de Janeiro and also with the bust of the
Brazilian diplomat Sergio Vieira de Mello for the UN collection in
New York. Because of the importance of her work, Vilma received
African and American citizenship and also several awards in Brazil
and abroad. She is a vital member (lifetime) of The Art Students
League (USA). With many years of work, enthusiasm,creative power,
strength and persistence, she continues to make a difference, always
participating in artistic, charitable and ecological activities. She
maintains her studio in NewYork, Rio de Janeiro and Minas Gerais.

Imprensa Correio da manhã - 1970
Jornal do Brasil - 1972
Bronze Medal - Salão Nacional RJ - 1972
Embassy of El Dorado - 1972
Intercâmbio Cultural - RJ - 1973
Conselho Britânico - 1973
Arthur Hehl Neiva - RJ - 1973
Salão Nacional de Arte Universitária - RJ - 1975
Honorable Mention of the Salão Mineiro de Artes Plásticas - BH -
Signalazione de Manciano - Italy - 1982
Honorable Mention of the Salão de Independentes - Paris - 1982
Gold Medal - Escultura de Santa Croce - Florença - Itália - 1983
Honorable Mention - Maçonaria da Côte d´Azur - Nice - 1983
Award "II Cenacolo" - Florença - 1988
Award XI Salão Nacional da Funarte - RJ - 1988
Award Salão de Arte Sacra do Rio de Janeiro - 1989
Award of the Salão Paranaense - Curitiba - 1995
Honorable Mention of the Rotary Club de Acesita - 1997
Honorable Mention of the Lions Club de Ipatinga - 1998
Honorable Mention "Personalidade DeFato" Itabira - MG -2001
Honorable Mention "Medalha do Minério" Itabira-MG - 2010
Solo exhibitions:
XIV Expo de esculturas do ENBA-Rio de Janeiro - 1970
Escola Nacional de Belas Artes - RJ -1972
Gallery IBEU - Rio de Janeiro -1980
Gallery Ostendorf - Münster - Germany - 1981
Gallery La Licorne - Cannes - France - 1981
Gallery AM Niemeyer, sponsored by the Roberto Marinho Foundation -
RJ - 1982
Gallery Nabur e Brazilian Consulate in Berlim - Germany - 1983
Gallery II Cenacolo - Florence - Italy - 1983
Gallery Van Wanning - Rotterdam - Netherlands - 1983
Gallery São Paulo, sponsored by the Roberto Marinho Foundation - SP
- 1984
Palácio das Artes - Belo Horizonte - MG - 1984
Gallery - Hasselt - Bélgica - 1984
Fundação Cultural Distrito Federal - Brasília - DF -1985
Gallery Vila Riso - RJ - 1985
Museu da Arte Moderna in Resende - RJ - 1985
Public garden "Loreta In Garten" - Berlim - 1988
Museu de Arte de Ndola - África - 1988
Museu Nacional de Lusaka - Zâmbia - África - 1988
Gallery Kolb - Nova York - USA -1990
Arte Expo Nova York, Chicago e Los Angeles - USA - 1986, 1992
Gallery Meisner - New York - USA - 1992
Gallery Breitbach - Unna - Germany - 1996
Fundação Cultural de Acesita - Minas Gerais - 1996
Fundarte de Muriaé~MG- 2006
Usicultura - Ipatinga - MG - 2007
Park Ipanema - Ipatinga - 2008
BEA - Brazilian Endowment for the Arts - Nova York - EUA - 2009
Grupal exhibitions:
Gallery Guignard - Belo Horizonte - MG - 1968
Salão Nacional de Arte Universitária - Belo Horizonte - MG - 1968
XIV Expo de esculturas do ENBA - Rio de Janeiro - 1970
Artistas de Minas - Cabo Frio - RJ - 1970
Comunidade do Carmo - Belo Horizonte - MG - 1970
Salão Internacional de Arte do Século XX Lineart - Gent - Belgium -
Sociedade dos Artistas Independentes - Paris - France - 1980
"Salon de la Jeune Sculpture" at Rodin Museum - Paris - France -
Mostra de Arte de Manciano - Italy - 1982
C.I.D.A - Nice - France - 1982
Anual Italiana de Artes Gráficas - Rom - Italy -1983
De Doelen Rotterdam - 10th Arts Festival - Holland - 1983
Gallery La Salle - Saint Paul de Vence - France - 1983
IX National Cultural Competition Citta dll Orte - Italy - 1983
9th International Biennial of Ceramic Art - Vallauris - France -
Pinacoteca Comunale - Ravena - Italy - 1984
International Exhibition of Plastic Arts Frankfurt - Germany - 1984
1º Encontro de Arte Sul Fluminense - RJ - 1985
Museu de Arte Moderna de Resende - RJ - 1985
Frankfurt Kunstverein - Germany - 1986
Winter Art Exhibition - Johannesburg - South Africa - 1988
Simpósium Pietrasanta -Toscana - Italy - 1988
Gallery Kolb - New York - USA - 1990
Gallery Trump Tower - New York - USA -1991
Art Expo em Chicago, New York and Los Angeles - USA -1991/92
Museu de Arte Contemporânea de Campinas - SP - 1992
Comparaison Grand Palais - Paris - France -1992
The House of the Artist. - Kiev - Russia - 1993
The Central House of the Artist - Moscow - Russia -1993
"Art Gallery of The Brazilian American Cultural Institute"
Washington - USA -1994
Show Case Sculpture - New Hope - Pennsylvania - USA - 1995
The Art Student League - New York - USA - 1996/2011
Los Angeles County Museum of Art - Los Angeles - USA -1996
BEA - Brazilian Endowment for the Arts - New York - USA - 2009
United Nations - New York - USA - 2009
Guignard School - Belo Horizonte - MG - 1967-1968
National School of Fine Arts - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
- Bachelor of 1969-1973
Fine Arts - University of Münster - Germany - 1974 -1975
Course in YWCA - New York - USA - 1990 -1994
Courses "The Art Student League" - New York - United States -
Course "Isabel O'Neil Studio" - New York - USA - 1996
Course "Pratt Institute" - New York - USA - 1998
Public Works:
São Sebastião - Dionísio - MG - Brasil - 1972
Sereia - Ilha da Jipóia - Angra dos Reis - RJ - 1982
Índia Araris - Conservatória - RJ - 1984
Bete - Chicago - USA - 1986
10 sculptures in the public garden "Loretta in Garden" - Berlim -
Germany - 1988
Mãe África - Council Center de Ndola - Zambia - 1989
Juscelino Kubitschek - Ecological square JK - BH - MG - 1992
Nossa Senhora Rainha - Belvedere’s church - BH - MG - 1993
Fonte Os 5 Elementos - Dionísio - MG - 1996
Santo Afonso - Convento dos Redentoristas - BH - MG - 1997
Bust "Severino Ballesteros" - Contagem - MG - 1997
Sinergia - Vale do Aço - MG - 1997
Rain Forest - Chicago - USA - 1998
Bust "Vito Gaggiato" - Praça do Fórum - Ipatinga - MG - 2000
Justiça - Deusa Themis - Ipatinga - MG - 2000
Terra Mãe - Cel. Fabriciano - MG - 2002
Bust “Constança Morais” - Dionísio - MG - 2003
Crianças do Mundo - Cel. Fabriciano - MG - 2004
Escultura Sacra - Cel. Fabriciano - MG - 2005
Millenium - Ipatinga - MG - 2007
6 sculptures at Shopping do Vale - Ipatinga - MG - 2007
Bust “Mercês Abreu” - Diamantina - MG-2008
5 Elementos da Natureza - Cel. Fabriciano - MG - 2009
O Destino - Anjo de Ipoema - Itabira - MG - 2010
In Havenloods - Rotterdam - Netherlands - 1983
Nice Matin - Georges Bertolino - France - 1983
Spazio Umano - "La quotidianitá cosmica di Vilma Nöel" - Italy -
Artefactum - Conti Viana - Belgium - 1985
Times of Zambia - Terence Muzuku - 1988
Berliner Morgenpost - Berlin - Germany -1988
Centrumgids - Rotterdam - Netherlands - 1988
Art Forum - New York - USA - 1990
Art in America - "Vilma Nöel at Meisner" - New York - USA - 1992
Sculpture Magazine - Janet Bex - New York - USA - 1992
Art Magazine - Pagel Davison - New York - USA - 1993
Book "Fertility" PHD Joel Bernstein - Johannesburg - South Africa
NY Times, NY Magazine, Art News - USA
Estado de Minas, Folha de S. Paulo, O Globo, Jornal do Brasil, Hoje
em Dia, Voz de Diamantina - Brazil
Veja, Isto é, Tudo, De Fato - Brazil
National Museum of Lusaka - Zambia - Africa
Museum of Art Ndola - Zambia - Africa
Museu de Arte Moderna de Resende – RJ – Brasil
Von der Heydt Museum - Wupertal - Germany
Museum of Fine Arts in Santiago - Chile
Daubigny Museum - Anvers sur Oise - France
Museu de Artes Plástica de Mococa – SP – Brasil
Museum Stadshof - Zwollw - Netherlands
Museu Julio Prestes – Itapemirim –SP – Brasil
Royal Museum of Fine Arts - Antwerp - Belgium
Miami Museum of Art - USA
TV / Video:
Video - Noel space Vilma - Ramomar Alvarado - 1980
National Interview - TV Manchete - 1982
National Interview - TV Monte Carlo - Monaco - 1982
National Interview - FR3 of Paris - France - 1982
Fantástico - TV Globo - Brasil - 1982
National Interview - TV-Florence - Italy - 1988
National Interview - TV Zambia - 1989
Video Nossa Senhora Rainha. - BH - 1994
Video Sinergia - Vale do Aço -1998
Video - Terra Mãe - Coronel Fabriciano - MG - 2002
Youtube:O Destino-Anjo de Ipoema-Itabira MG - 2010
Youtube:Reforma Igreja Dionísio - 2010
Youtube: Dionísio Verde - 2010
Youtube: Millenium - 2011
Youtube: Esculturas Vilma Nöel - 2011
General works:
Foundry Zani - RJ - 1973-2011
Foundry Meisner - N.Y - 1980-1996
Foundry Sussi - Paris - 1980
Foundry Anft - Germany - 1980
Trophy "Fight for Democracy" N.Y - 1981
Atelier Marcelo Tomazzi - Florence - 1983
Engraving Atelier - II Mabaco - Alvaro Gallen - Pietrasanta - 1983
Foundry Tomazzi - Italy - 1980-1985
Atelier Adir Botelho - RJ - Engraving - 1982-1988
YWCA - NY - Ceramics, printmaking, jewelry, painting and enamel -
The Art Student League New York - 1991-2000
Sculptures Auction - Paris - Basel - 1992
Auction Opera House Collection - Lincoln Center - NY -
Restoration - Isabel O'Nell Studio - NY - 1996
Workshops - Ground for Sculpture - New Jersey - USA - 1996-97
Artistic trainee in Russia, Asia, Scandinavia, Greece and London
Studios in Florence, Carrara and Pietrasanta - Italy - 1988
Sculpture Conference in Chicago - 1998
Sculpture Conference in Houston - Texas - 2000
Art Auctions Children in Need - BH -MG - 2000
Art Auction - Gallery Maria Jose Capanema - BH - MG - 2001
Lectures at UNIPAC and UNILESTE - Vale do Aço - 2001-2007
Sacred reliefs in big dimensions - 2007-2011
Restoration of churches and sacred sculptures, 2009-2011
The work of Vilma Nöel can also be found in private collections in
United States, Japan, Holland, Germany, Belgium, Canada, Egypt,
Greece, Switzerland, England, Italy, France, South Africa and Brazil
"Seeing my extensive
resume and achievements in several areas, especially with sculptures,
I think life has been really rewarding for me because in the midst
of so many events, travel and setbacks, I can escape, create,
meditate, go into alpha, and live in a state of grace, which is
happiness . This is my mission in this passage here on Earth and the
contribution lived in my actions, attitudes, materialized in my
work. "
